4 Complete the conversations with was / wasn't or were / weren't. 1 A: B: No, we raining. 2 A: B: Yes, it 3 A: B: No, they 4 A: beach yesterday? the hotel? B: Yes, there It 5 A: B: No, he 6 A: at university. weather? you and your family on the B: No, I the food at the hotel good? The sandwiches fantastic. the rooms big? They quite small. there a swimming pool at big. Charlie on holiday with you? . . He you sad because of the happy on my holiday. very​



Ответ дал: habibbabaktbay441


1 A: Were you and your family on the beach yesterday?

B: No we weren't . It was raining

2A : Was the food at the hotel good?

B : Yes it was . The sandwiches were fantastic

3 A : Were the rooms big?

B : No thy weren't. They were quite small

4 A Was the swimming pool at the hotel?

B: yes , there was

5 A: Was Charlie at holiday with you?

B: No he wasn't. He wat at university

6 A : Were you sad because of the weather

B : No i wasn't. I was very happy on my holiday.

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