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Ответ дал: chezeoff


1. I just saw Tom. You can still find him.

2. Mark was playing in his room while his father read the newspaper.

3. The plane for Paris leaves at 19:45 every day except Friday.

4. I have known him for five years.

5. Why are you looking at me like that? Have I done something wrong?

6. The market opens at 8 o’clock am and closes at 8:30 pm.

7. Don’t disturb him! He is trying to concentrate on the project that he has to finish by Monday.

8. What will happen if my parachute doesn’t open?

9. Do you play volleyball at weekends?

10. Where were you yesterday at 5:00?

11. The film had already begun when I came back home.

12. If I knew her e-mail address, I’d give it to you.

13. George says he is 80 years old but nobody believes him.

14. I can’t find my umbrella. Someone has taken it.

15. Sam would buy a guitar if he had enough money.

16. Nowadays a lot of people don’t trust politicians.

17. Nobody was watching the TV so I turned it off.

18. When I arrived at the party, some guests had already gone.

19. Look at these clouds! It is going to rain.

20. I’ve got a fresh breath because I just brushed my teeth.
21. He lost his books. He looked for them all the afternoon but he hasn’t found any of them yet.

22. They didn’t make pasta last night. They made pizza.

23. This is the first time I have seen a camel.

24. She always watches that “stupid box”, I mean “TV”. 25.
25. I had been driving the car for five years when I sold it.

26. Yesterday I met a man who had been at school with my grandmother.

27. Before I went to Barcelona I didn’t enjoy learning Spanish.

28. At the moment I am revising grammar.

29. We didn’t work at the same hotel in 2006.

30. If you don’t hurry up you will miss the train.

ch0co6996: ДУЖЕ ДЯКУЮ!
chezeoff: :)
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