Match the parts of sentences: (З’єднайте частини речення та запишіть їх)

1. My favourite lesson a) hot and sunny.

2. We celebrate Christmas b) in a nice village.

3. My granny lives c) on the seventh of January.

4. The weather is d) is History.

5. Last Sunday they e) went to the circus.

Write the Past Simple of the verbs.(Запишіть слова у минулому часі - додай закінчення -ed або ІІ колонка неправильних дієслів)

1) to come —

2) to find —

3) to work —

4) to have —

5) to start —

Choose the correct word (Вибери правильне дієслово та запиши речення)

1) Ann was\were at the camp last summer.

2) The Wilsons was\were at the seaside in summer.

3) Linda wasn’t\weren’t at school last week.


Ответ дал: fyndyrkadyrka


  1. 1. My favourite lesson (d) is History.
  2. We celebrate Christmas (c) on the seventh of January.
  3. My granny lives (b) in a nice village.
  4. The weather is (a) hot and sunny.
  5. Last Sunday they (e) went to the circus.

   2. 1) to come — came

2) to find — found

3) to work — worked

4) to have — had

5) to start — started

3. 1) Ann was at the camp last summer.

2) The Wilsons were at the seaside in summer.

3) Linda wasn’t at school last week.


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