2 Circle the correct answer.
.1 Dave makes/has/does the shopping at the supermarket every Saturday.
2 The train takes/gets/leaves the station at five to seven and arrives in London at twenty past ten.
3 She is going to be a police worker/ officer/ assistant when she finishes school.
4 Are you going to look for/after / about your little sister this evening?
5 I washed the dirty/quiet/low clothes yesterday so they're clean now.​


Ответ дал: mrseyavush391

1) Dave does the shopping at the supermarket every Saturday.

2) The train leaves the station at five to seven and arrives in London at twenty past ten.

3) She is going to be a police officer when she finishes school.

4) Are you going to look after your little sister this evening?

5)I washed the dirty clothes yesterday, so they're clean now.

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