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In The Shop

- Good morning! (Good afternoon! Good evening!)

- Good morning! (Good afternoon! Good evening!)

- Can I help you?

- Yes, please. I`m looking for a T-shirt. ( a pair of jeans)

- What colour would you like?

- Yellow.

- What size are you?

- Small (S). Medium (M). Large (L).

- Here you are.

- Thank you. Can I try it on? (Can I try them on?)

- Yes, of course. The changing room (примірочна , перевдягальня ) is over there.

- I`ll take it. How much is it?

- £ 34.35 (thirty-four pounds. thirty-five pence.)

- Here you are.

- Thank you. Here is your change.


Ответ дал: minimoni13

In The Shop

- Good morning!

- Good morning! Can I help you?

-Yes, please. I'm looking for a T-shirt.

- What color would you like?

- Yellow.

- What size are you?

- Medium (M).

- Here you are.

- Thank you. Can I try it on?

- Yes, of course. The fitting room is over there.

- I'll take it. How much is it?

- $25.

- Here you are.

- Thank you. Here is your change.

skejehqh728ht: благодарочка❤️
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