В каком времени употребляются: написать время глагола в предложении

22) I am leaving for Moscow now.

a) now; b) last week; c) next month; d) tomorrow.

23) They didn’t leave for the country without their pets last autumn; 

24) He didn’t write any exercises at all yesterday.

25) We flew to Madrid next week.

26) The woman has finished already………..washing the child.

b) finished; c) finishes; d) finish

27) late is typing the papers now.

28) He his entered just ………..the room.

a) will enter;  b)entered; d)enters

29) We saw this exhibition last month.


Ответ дал: NastyaStorm
22 present continuous
23 past simple
24 past simple
25 past simple
26 present perfect
27 present continuous
28 has entered* present perfect
29 past simple
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