1. What are you doing tomorrow? - I/take/a guitar exam
2. What is Helen doing on Thursday? - She/start/her tennis classes
3. What are you and Sarah doing on Wednesday? - We/go/to a pop concert
4. What are you doing on Friday? - I/play/in a football match
5. What are Jerry and Ben doing on Saturday? - They/go/to the cinema
6. What is Adam doing on Monday? - He/see/Sam


Ответ дал: schwarttzz123


1) I will take a guitar exam

2) She will start her tennis classes

3) We will go to the pop concert

4) I will play in a soccer match

5) They will go to the cinema

6) He will see Sam

Can I have a crown?

Можна мне корону?

Можна мені корону?

هل يمكنني الحصول على تاج

puis-je avoir une couronne?

Kann ich eine Krone haben?

schwarttzz123: Можна мне корону?
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