3 Read the blog again. Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. 1 Cereal is tastier than eggs. 2 Bread isn't as 3 You can coffee in the café. 4 People organise kids' cereal café. 5 There are café in Boston. as cereal. hot chocolate, tea or 6 Vicky wants I at the types of cereals at the milk on her cereal. СРОЧНО​


Ответ дал: goose1717

1 Cereal is tastier than eggs.

2 Bread isn't as tasty as cereal.

3 You can drink coffee in the café.

4 People organise kids' cereal café.

5 There are cafés in Boston.

6 Vicky wants milk on her cereal.

Please note that in sentence 6, it's unclear what "I" refers to. If you can provide more context or clarify the sentence, I can assist you further.

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