My scariest experience was last year. I was on vacation with my parents, and we went rock climbing/hiking in the mountains. I was a little bored/excited at first. I like hiking/rock climbing, but we climbed/walked for a long time, and we didn't see anything. Then suddenly we saw a brown gorilla/bear. It was really close to/far away from us, but I was very excited/scared. We were lucky because/but the gorilla/bear didn't see us. We turned around and walked/ran away. We didn't shout/laugh or skip/run. The people at the hotel were interested in/ surprised by our story, but after that I didn't want to go into the mountains again. I went rowing/ trampolining instead. ​


Ответ дал: Nivvka


My scariest experience was last year. I was on vacation with my parents, and we went hiking in the mountains. I was a little bored at first. I like hiking, but we walked for a long time, and we didn't see anything. Then suddenly we saw a brown bear. It was really close to us, but I was very scared. We were lucky because the bear didn't see us. We turned around and ran away. We didn't shout or run. The people at the hotel were surprised by our story, but after that, I didn't want to go into the mountains again. I went trampolining instead.

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