Task 4. Speaking 1. What people can do to stay healthy? Name at least 5 healthy habits. 2. What way to be healthy you choose and why? 3. What kind of sports do you do? 4. What do you think is more important, eating healthy or doing exercise? 5. What are you going to do in your Summer holidays? ПЖЖ ПОМОГИТЕ!! ДАМ 20 БАЛЛОВ​


Ответ дал: Sadvokasaidyn201209


1. People can have a lot of habits to be healthy. For example eating healthy food, Doing exercises every morning, dont play videogames for a lot, dont eat at night and dont surf internet for a long time

2.I choose doing exercised and eating healthy food. I choosed it because when you do exercices but eat junk food, you will not be healthy.

3.I play volleyball.

4.Eating healthy. Because doing exercices will help a lot but junk food will ruin everything

5.Im going to go to village to my grandpa and grandma. I miss them very much. In village im going to work a lot and ride


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