1. Hannah was very late for work and had to call for a 2. We went to the Isle of Man by 3. Tom loves riding his. 4. Mr. Hames is flying to Spain on a business trip. His 5. The fastest way to travel in London is below the city on the 6. People don't often take their_ traffic. 7. A new orange-and-blue smoothly along the rails swaying a little from side to side. 8. The early morning on the river was cool, but we enjoyed standing on the back of the 9. Flying the feeling. last weekend. The sea was calm. in the park every afternoon. leaves at 6:00. into the city centre because there is too much approached the stop and we got on. It started and watch the waves reaching the banks. was strange with small vibration that added some special​


Ответ дал: amrinakogersin


1 B twins

2 A


3 C the children

4 C cat

5 C pupils

6 A Monday

7 B same

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