1 Jade buys / bought some new jeans last week. 2 Who was / did at the party yesterday? 3 We go / went to Scotland last summer. 4 My friends didn’t enjoy / not enjoyed their holiday. 5 When were / did you finish your homework? 6 In 1980 there is / there was a large hotel here. 7 Was there / Were there a lot of people at the party? 8 Did you have a good time? Yes, I did / have. ​


Ответ дал: JafarovaIlahaJD

1. bought.

2. was.

3. went.

4. didn't enjoy.

5. did.

6. there was.

7. were there.

8. have.

Karchek: спасибо огромное
JafarovaIlahaJD: Незачто ♡
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