6. What are carbony II. Writing Fill in correct item 1. If I... you, I would buy a new computer. a) will be b) would be c) were 2. If Peter studied harder, he... better marks. b) would have it ... steam. b) became c) would had a) will have 3. If you boil water, a) becomes c) will become 4. They would call the police if they... an accident. b) sees c) saw a) seen 5. She will become a doctor if she ... hard. a) will study b) studied 6. If I saw a ghost, I ... scream. a) will b) would c) studies c) would be 7. If the dog chased me, I ... run. a) would b) will c) won't 8. If I win the first prize 1....go on a trip to Egypt. b) will a) would c) wouldn't​



Ответ дал: sidorasofiy


1. Were

2. will have

3. will become

4. saw

5. studied

6. will

7. will

8. will

vanya333i4: точно правильно?
sidorasofiy: так
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