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Define the type of coordination
1.John was the richest man in the district, but nobody knew about it. 2. She drew the curtain back, and the room was flooded with gold. 3. I want to go there very much, still I don’t care to go out in the rain. 4. The moon went down, the stars grew pale, the cold day broke; the sun rose. 5. Not all the necessary things were bought for the trip, therefore we had to postpone our departure for several days. 6. He went to his study but he couldn’t work. 7. How glad I am to have met you then, otherwise we might have lost sight of each other. 8. John, either you travel as a gentleman, or you travel alone. 9. To know things by name is one thing; to know them by seeing them, quite another. 10. There was no news, nevertheless, she went on hoping.

artyomkingg: ок
artyomkingg: щас помогу


Ответ дал: JaneClements

Відповідь:1. Adversative coordination (contrasting ideas)

2. Additive coordination (sequential actions)

3. Adversative coordination (contrasting ideas)

4. Cumulative coordination (accumulation of related actions)

5. Causal coordination (cause and effect relationship)

6. Adversative coordination (contrasting ideas)

7. Causal coordination (cause and effect relationship)

8. Alternative coordination (choice between two options)

9. Copulative coordination (parallel ideas)

10. Adversative coordination (contrasting ideas)


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