Read the text and choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.

Last Saturday, I 0 A shopping with my friends Emma and Lucy. 1 ____ of us had been shopping for ages, and we were hoping to 2____ a few nice things – including some 3 ____ ! First we went to a shoe shop that was having a sale. They had some wonderful summer 4____ for the beach, so my friends and I 5 ____ them on. They were great, so we all bought them. Then we were very hungry, so we looked for 6 ____ nice to sit down and eat. We found a restaurant and ordered pizza, but it wasn’t good – it wasn’t cooked properly, so we sent it back and got a(n) 7 ____ . Then we decided 8 ____ home and make a sandwich instead!

0 A went B did C had D made

1 A No B No one C None D Nothing

2 A fit in B pick up C find out D catch up

3 A bargains B offers C products D sales

4 A boots B trainers C sandals D jeans

5 A had B tried C wore D set

6 A any where B everywhere C nowhere D somewhere

7 A refund B exchange C receipt D complaint

8 A going B go C went D to go​


Ответ дал: pupil050
0 A went

1 B No one

2 C find out

3 D sales

4 C sandals

5 B tried

6 D somewhere

7 A refund

8 C went
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