WRITING Task 3. Rewrite the sentences from direct into reported speech 1. Ira said, "I saw an elephant in the zoo." 2. Suman said, "I get up early every morning." 4. 3. Ajay said to Lucy, "I will go to Bangalore tomorrow." Tamal said to Naira, "When are you leaving?" The teacher said to me, "You are very intelligent." 6. Elena said to Andrew, "Bring me my rifle." 5. /6 points​



Ответ дал: HellishHelen


1. Ira said, "I saw an elephant in the zoo."
Ira said she had seen an elephant in the zoo.
2. Suman said, "I get up early every morning."
Suman said he got up early every morning.
3. Ajay said to Lucy, "I will go to Bangalore tomorrow."
Ajay said to Lucy he would go to Bangalore the next day.
4. Tamal said to Naira, "When are you leaving?"
Tamal asked Naira when she was leaving.
5.  The teacher said to me, "You are very intelligent."
The teacher said to me I was very intelligent.
6. Elena said to Andrew, "Bring me my rifle." 
Elena asked Andrew to bring her her rifle.
Если в главном предложении глагол-сказуемое стоит в прошедшем времени (Past Simple), то при переводе прямой речи в косвенную соблюдаются правила согласования времен, (см. вложение 1) и перед косвенной речью ставится союз «that», который после глаголов «say», «know», «think» и т. п. может быть опущен. Также заменяем  указатели  времени (вложение 2). Также мы заменяем местоимения (по смыслу).

Когда нам нужно перевести просьбу или приказ в косвенную речь, мы пользуемся следующей моделью:
verb + object + to infinitive

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