Помогите срочно!!!!
Choose the correct variant.
1.I always ____________ to music in the morning.
А) listen Б) listened В) listening
2.Kate and Cinthia _______________ that TV show!
А) likes Б) liking В) like
3.My sister ____________ a new pair of jeans.
А) have Б) has В) having
4.I _______________ movies on Netflix.
А) do'nt watch Б) doesn't watch В) isn't watching
5.Paola and Luis _____________ to rock music.
А) aren't listening Б) doesn't listen В) don't listen
6.We _____________ to play tennis last Sunday.
А) wanted Б) want В) will want
7.Sophie _____________ her hair yesterday.
А) wash Б) washed В) washing
8.My family _____________to the seaside last summer.
А) didn't went Б) didn't go В) didn't going
9.I _____________ hard for my English exam last month.
А) don't study Б) didn't studied В) studied
10.They _____________ their grandmother last summer.
А) helped Б) help В) helping
11.Put the necessary articles. There is ______ book on my table. ________ book is very thick.
А) the- the Б) a-the В) 0-0
12. Who is __________ strongest animal?
А) a Б) 0 В) the
13. My brother is ____________ teacher.
А) 0 Б) a В) the
14.__________Tower of London is one of the most famous sights of _______ London.
А) the-the Б) o-o В) the- o


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