I. Choose the correct variant.
1. The film (made/was made) in the USA.
2. The story (takes/is taken) place nowadays.
3. Ann (got/was got) a new bike for Christnas.
4. The kids (took/are taken) to the cinema at weekends.
5. The window (broke/was broken) and they (called/were called) the police.
II. Choose the correct variant.
1. St Paul's Cathedral (is built/was built) in the 18th century.
2. London (is known/was known) as the largest city in Europe.
3. This castle (is ruined/was ruined) by the Greeks.
4. Many useful gadgets (are invented/were invented) these days.
5. E-mails (are sent/were sent) very often and sometimes they (are read/were read) at once.
III. Make a name of a profession out of a name of a science.
biology -...
astronomy - ...
music - ...
technics - ...
physics - ...
politics - ...


Ответ дал: gsgxyhs33

The film was made in the USA.

The story takes place nowadays.

Ann got a new bike for Christmas.

The kids are taken to the cinema at weekends.

The window was broken and they called the police.


St Paul's Cathedral was built in the 18th century.

London is known as the largest city in Europe.

This castle was ruined by the Greeks.

Many useful gadgets are invented these days.

E-mails are sent very often and sometimes they are read at once.


biology - biologist

astronomy - astronomer

music - musician

technics - technician

physics - physicist

physiology - physiologist

psychology - psychologist

politics - politician

history - historian

maths - mathematician

programming - programmer

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