1 Match the parts of the sentences.

1) It is important to keep

2) My sister usually sets

3) My granny grows

4) We help each other and share

5) Our new washing machine does

6) My little sister never takes

7) Dinner is over. I have to

a) the table for dinner.

b) all the vegetables in her kitchen garden.

c) all our household chores.

d) the dolls in the right place.

e) care of our domestic animals.

f) the laundry quickly. g) wash up after meals.


Ответ дал: lmaobb


1) It is important to keep (e) care of our domestic animals.

Это важно заботиться о наших домашних животных.

2) My sister usually sets (a) the table for dinner.

Моя сестра обычно накрывает стол на ужин.

3) My granny grows (b) all the vegetables in her kitchen garden.

Моя бабушка выращивает все овощи в своем огороде.

4) We help each other and share (c) all our household chores.

Мы помогаем друг другу и делаем все домашние дела вместе.

5) Our new washing machine does (f) the laundry quickly.

Наша новая стиральная машина быстро стирает белье.

6) My little sister never takes (d) the dolls in the right place.

Моя младшая сестра никогда не ставит куклы на свое место.

7) Dinner is over. I have to (g) wash up after meals.

Ужин окончен. Мне нужно помыть посуду после еды.

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