Name : Simple Present Tense Q. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs In Simple Present Tense: 8. The earth 9. Your class 10. She 11. Unless you (prove) counterclockwise. (rotate) 15. Dad always at 9:00 O'clock. (start). psychology. (like) this fact can't be approved. 12. We____________rice for lunch. (eat) 13. I______ in the online school. (work) 14. He cricket in the school. (play). my brother. (favor)​


Ответ дал: anastsiadonets2005


The earth rotates counterclockwise.

Your class starts at 9:00 O'clock.

She likes psychology.

Unless you prove this fact, it can't be approved.

We eat rice for lunch.

I work in the online school.

He plays cricket in the school.

Dad always starts at 9:00 O'clock.

My brother favors me.

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