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47. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Present Indefinite, the Present Continuous, the Past Indefinite, or the Future Indefinite,
1. Fred (to be) married to Alice in a month
2. We (to move) to Moscow now.
3. He (not to like) to take pictures at home,
4. What instrument this boy (to play) with
5. Why Colin (not to copy) out this text an hour ago?
6. What you (to drink) now?
7. What holiday they (to celebrate) last week?
8. Where he (to go) now?
9. With whom you (to discuss) this article


Ответ дал: savaseregin

1. Fred will be married to Alice in a month. (Future Indefinite)

2. We are moving to Moscow now. (Present Continuous)

3. He doesn't like to take pictures at home. (Present Indefinite)

4. What instrument is this boy playing with now? (Present Continuous)

5. Why didn't Colin copy out this text an hour ago? (Past Indefinite)

6. What are you drinking now? (Present Continuous)

7. What holiday did they celebrate last week? (Past Indefinite)

8. Where is he going now? (Present Continuous)

9. With whom did you discuss this article yesterday? (Past Indefinite)

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