1 Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). 1 Steve is a very everyone equally. A loyal B fair 2 Gary grew himself look older. A freckles B wrinkles 3 There was a bad person and he treats 5 Don't forget to today! C D A rent B offer on his chin to make the river burst its banks. A flood B avalanche helpful honest с a beard D in the village when a moustache 4 The temperature is very ....……... outside today - it might even snow. A rough strong с D heavy B low hurricane C D earthquake C D your aeroplane ticket book let 6 Tom has a(n) very high. A allergy B fever 8 In my city 7 The police stopped him as he tried to the bank. A commit B steal ... graffiti everywhere. A vandalism B arson 9 Jenny's so latest fashion! A unique B stylish A lava B slope his temperature is C rash D ...y C D cramp is a big problem - there's rob burgle с forgery D trespassing C D she always follows the special casual 10 They reached the top of the volcano and looked over the ... to see inside. C crater D rim​



Ответ дал: anastsiadonets2005


B fair

B wrinkles

A flood

D heavy

C book

B fever

A commit

A vandalism

B stylish

C crater

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