B Task 3. Writing. Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets. Use the First Conditional. a) If it (snow) tonight, we will make a snowman tomorrow. b) If you (bring) the sandwiches for the picnic, I will bring the drinks. Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets. Use the Second Conditional. c) I've always heard that if a man faith enough he mountains. (have) (move) d) It's Monday today, but if it (go) to the beach. Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets. Use the Zero Conditional. e) (children / not eat well/they/ not be healthy) f)(I/ like to visit the museums / I/ be in a new city) (be) Saturday, I Task 4. Speak on the topic "Why should children wear uniforms at school?” Speak at least 10-12 sentences​


Ответ дал: JaneClements

Будь ласка, позначте мою відповідь за кращу, намагаюсь підвищити ранг.Дякую!^^

a) If it snows tonight, we will make a snowman tomorrow.

b) If you bring the sandwiches for the picnic, I will bring the drinks.

c) I've always heard that if a man has enough faith, he can move mountains.

d) It's Monday today, but if it were the weekend, I would go to the beach.

e) If children do not eat well, they will not be healthy.

f) If I am in a new city, I like to visit the museums.

Task 4: Why should children wear uniforms at school?

1. Wearing uniforms promotes a sense of belonging and unity among students.

2. Uniforms help to eliminate social class distinctions and reduce bullying based on clothing.

3. Uniforms create a more focused learning environment by removing distractions related to clothing choices.

4. Uniforms instill discipline and a sense of professionalism in students.

5. Uniforms promote equality among students, as everyone is dressed the same regardless of their socio-economic background.

6. Uniforms simplify the morning routine for both students and parents, as there is no need to spend time choosing outfits.

7. Wearing uniforms can enhance school safety by easily identifying students on campus.

8. Uniforms teach students the importance of following rules and regulations.

9. Uniforms prepare students for future workplaces where dress codes and professional attire are common.

10. Wearing uniforms fosters a sense of pride and respect for the school community.

These are just a few reasons why children should wear uniforms at school.

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