Пажалуйста очень срочно!!!!!!!



Ответ дал: semencovalex15

My father makes delicious omelettes. They are his speciality.

1.Fish and chips are a traditional food in Britain. Many people eat them.

2.The food in that restaurant is local. It is sourced from farms near to the town and it's very good.

3.I usually have grilled fish and salad for lunch.

4.I don't eat meat. I'm a vegetarian.

5.Curry can be very spicy - it's often too hot for me to eat.

Надеюсь я смог помочь^^

tuziiiks11: спасіба
semencovalex15: Извиняюсь, чутка спутал цифры^^"
tuziiiks11: ок
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