2. Make up sentences in Passive Voiceusing the correct grammar tense.
1) The lecture (to attend) by all the studentsyesterday.
2) The room must (to air) every day.
3) The letters (to deliver) by a postman every day.
4) This book (to discuss) at the lesson tomorrow.
5)The cake (to eat) by children half an hour ago.
6) Breakfast (to serve) in five minutes.

3. Change the sentences into the Passive Voice.
1) They read books every day.
2) They have invited Bill to a party.
3) You must rewrite this test.
4) The fire destroyed the town many years ago.
5) They will listen to the opera tomorrow.
5) My boss gives me the instructions regularl.


Ответ дал: awewrwt
The lecture was attended by all the students yesterday.
The room must be aired every day.
The letters are delivered by a postman every day.
This book will be discussed at the lesson tomorrow.
The cake was eaten by children half an hour ago.
Breakfast will be served in five minutes.
Passive Voice sentences:

Books are read by them every day.
Bill has been invited to a party.
This test must be rewritten by you.
The town was destroyed by the fire many years ago.
The opera will be listened to by them tomorrow.
Instructions are given to me regularly by my boss.
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