Compose a simple sentence, placing the elements in the correct word order. Translate into Ukrainian. Find the convergencies and divergencies in the Ukrainian and the English Languages:
1. 20 minutes, examined, who, by 3 p.m., she, been, by, yesterday,for, had, over? (Who…?)
2. the, have, car, of, already, been, by, the, end, the, repaired, day,will (The car… .).
3. be, to, will, work, given, Who, this? (Who…?)
4. room, been, this, cleaned, has, not, yet (This … .).
5. in, have, years, is, he, spent, likely, to, two, France (He … .).
6. highly, by, is, of, spoken, who, he? (Who…?)
7. just, letter, been, I, dictated, have, a (I … .).
8. summer, bed, this, slept, was, in, last, not (This … .).
9. yet, has, for, the, been, doctor, sent? (Has …?)
10. have, twice, I, to, my, teeth, checked, a, year, am, believed (I….). ​


Ответ дал: kaltip

1. Convergences: The word order in the Ukrainian translation is similar to English, with the subject "хто" (who) at the beginning of the sentence, followed by the time expression "за 3 години дня" (by 3 p.m.), and the past perfect verb "перевірив" (examined) at the end. The adverb "вчора" (yesterday) and the preposition "протягом" (for) are also in the same positions.

  Divergences: The main difference is that Ukrainian uses cases, so the word order within noun phrases might differ. Also, Ukrainian has more flexible word order overall, allowing for more variation.

2. Convergences: The sentence structure is similar in both languages, with the subject "машина" (car) followed by the auxiliary verb "буде" (will) and the past participle "відремонтована" (repaired).

  Divergences: Ukrainian uses different word order within noun phrases, so the genitive "дня" (of the day) follows "кінця" (end). Additionally, the adverb "вже" (already) is placed before the verb in Ukrainian, while in English it comes after.

3. Convergences: The word order in the Ukrainian translation is similar to English, with the subject "кому" (who) at the beginning of the sentence, followed by the auxiliary verb "буде" (will) and the past participle "доручена" (given).

  Divergences: The main difference is that Ukrainian uses cases, so the word order within noun phrases might differ. Also, Ukrainian has more flexible word order overall, allowing for more variation.

4. Convergences: The sentence structure is similar in both languages, with the subject "ця кімната" (this room) followed by the auxiliary verb "була" (has been) and the past participle "прибрана" (cleaned). The negation "ще не" (not yet) is also in the same position.

  Divergences: Ukrainian uses different word order within noun phrases, so the adjective "ця" (this) comes before "кімната" (room). Additionally, Ukrainian has more flexible word order overall, allowing for more variation.

5.  Convergences: The word order in the Ukrainian translation is similar to English, with the subject "він" (he) at the beginning of the sentence, followed by the adverb "ймовірно" (likely) and the verb phrase "провів два роки" (spent two years). The preposition "у" (in) is also in the same position.

  Divergences: Ukrainian uses different word order within noun phrases, so the numeral "два" (two) comes before "роки" (years). Additionally, Ukrainian has more flexible word order overall, allowing for more variation.

6. Convergences: The word order in the Ukrainian translation is similar to English, with the subject "про кого" (about whom) at the beginning of the sentence, followed by the verb "говорять" (spoken) and the adverb "високо" (highly).

  Divergences: Ukrainian uses different word order within noun phrases, so the prepositional phrase "про" (about) precedes the pronoun "кого" (whom). Additionally, Ukrainian has more flexible word order overall, allowing for more variation.

7. Convergences: The sentence structure is similar in both languages, with the subject "я" (I) followed by the adverb "щойно" (just), the past participle "диктував" (dictated), and the direct object "листа" (letter).

  Divergences: Ukrainian uses different word order within noun phrases, so the noun "листа" (letter) follows the verb "диктував" (dictated). Additionally, Ukrainian has more flexible word order overall, allowing for more variation.

8. Convergences: The sentence structure is similar in both languages, with the subject "цього літа" (this summer) followed by the past tense verb "був" (was) and the negation "ще не" (not yet). The adverb "в ліжку" (in bed) is also in the same position.

  Divergences: Ukrainian uses different word order within noun phrases, so the adjective "цього" (this) comes before "літа" (summer). Additionally, Ukrainian has more flexible word order overall, allowing for more variation.

9. Convergences: The word order in the Ukrainian translation is similar to English, with the subject "чи" (has) at the beginning of the sentence, followed by the adverb "вже" (yet), the auxiliary verb "був" (been), and the past participle "відправлений" (sent). The preposition "до" (to) is also in the same position.

  Divergences: Ukrainian uses different word order within noun phrases, so the noun phrase "до лікаря" (to the doctor) follows the verb phrase "відправлений був" (been sent). Additionally, Ukrainian has more flexible word order overall, allowing for more variation.

Я перевіряю свої зуби двічі на рік.

Convergences: The sentence structure is similar in both languages, with the subject "я" (I) followed by the verb "перевіряю" (check), the possessive pronoun "свої" (my), and the direct object "зуби" (teeth). The adverb "двічі" (twice) and the preposition "на" (in) are also in the same positions.

Divergences: Ukrainian uses different word order within noun phrases, so the possessive pronoun "свої" (my) comes before "зуби" (teeth). Additionally, Ukrainian has more flexible word order overall, allowing for more variation.

Ответ дал: savaseregin

1. Хто був перевірений протягом 20 хвилин до 15:00 вчора?

2. Машина буде вже відремонтована до кінця дня.

3. Кому це буде доручено?

4. Цю кімнату ще не прибрали.

5. Він, ймовірно, провів два роки у Франції.

6. Хто так високо говорить про нього?

7. Я тільки що диктував листа.

8. Літом минулого року в цьому ліжку не спали.

9. Чи вже відправили до лікаря?

10. Я вважаю, що перевіряю свої зуби двічі на рік.


- The sentence structure follows a similar pattern in both English and Ukrainian, with subject-verb-object order.

- The use of question words "Who" and "What" is the same in both languages.

- The verb forms (past participle) are recognizable in both languages.


- The word order is different between the two languages. Ukrainian follows a Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) order, while English has a Subject-Object-Verb (SOV) order in some cases.

- In Ukrainian, the verb form changes depending on the gender and number of the subject, while in English, the verb form remains the same.

- Ukrainian often requires the use of prepositions in different contexts compared to English.

- The use of articles ("the," "a") in English is not always translated directly into Ukrainian.

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