7 класс помогите пожалуйста
Read the text and write T for True or F for False. Hi Ellie, How are things? I'm not OK. I've got a problem. You see, I'm looking after my neighbours' goldfish while they're on holiday. Everything was fine until yesterday when one of them died. I think I gave it too much food. Or maybe it was ill and now all the other fish are going to get ill and die, too. Actually, I've got the flu at the moment. Maybe, it got the flu from me. But goldfish don't get the flu, do they? Do they get ill? I just don't know. Anyway, what should I do? If I call my neighbours and tell them, they'll get upset, won't they? I could buy them a new one. Or is that a silly idea? Write back as soon as you can. Carl 1. Carl is writing to Ellie to ask her for advice. 2. Carl knows why the goldfish died. 3. Carl is ill. 4. One of the other goldfish is ill. OOOO​



Ответ дал: lubovabdualieva


1. true 2 false 3 true 4 false.


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