Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words
from the text below.
a. Using the latest multimedia gadget would improve the quality of any performance.

b. Polyglots are usually with tremendous abilities that in its turn
an _____________ expanding of worldview.
c. I’m doing my best in the way of education and tomorrow sees m e_________ .

d. Mr. X was the _____________ behind the plan to acquire the newest_____________ .

e. There are so m any_____________ to choose from and some are arguably better than others.


Ответ дал: tenanatoly40

a. Using the latest multimedia gadget would improve the quality of any performance.

b. Polyglots are usually equipped with tremendous abilities that, in turn, lead to an expansive expanding of worldview.

c. I'm doing my best in the pursuit of education and tomorrow sees me determined.

d. Mr. X was the mastermind behind the plan to acquire the newest acquisition.

e. There are so many options to choose from and some are arguably better than others.

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