1.cкласти запитання за прикладом і вставити many або much.
1) How/text messages/send / in a day?

2)How/posters/ in your bedroom?

3) How/ music / you / stream / the weekend?

4)How/fruit/your brother / eat?

5) How/photos/ on your desk?

6) How /homework / you / have / today?

7) How/ice cream / you want?

2. До поданого речення скласти запитання різних типів(4 запитання)

My cat likes sleeping.

3. Розкрити дужки і написати потрібний час англійського дієслова.

1)I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock every day. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock yesterday. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock tomorrow.

2) I (not to go) to school every day. I (not to go) to school yesterday. I (not to go) to school tomorrow.

3) You (to watch) TV every day? You (to watch) TV yesterday? You (to watch) TV tomorrow?

4) When you (to leave) home for work every day? When you (to leave) home for work yesterday? When you (to leave) home for work tomorrow?​


Ответ дал: abobaken1918


How many text messages do you send in a day?

How many posters are in your bedroom?

How much music do you stream on the weekend?

How much fruit does your brother eat?

How many photos are on your desk?

How much homework do you have today?

How much ice cream do you want?

Different types of questions about the sentence "My cat likes sleeping":

Yes/No question: Does my cat like sleeping?

Wh-question: Why does my cat like sleeping?

Choice question: Does my cat like sleeping or playing?

Tag question: My cat likes sleeping, doesn't it?

I go to bed at ten o'clock every day. I went to bed at ten o'clock yesterday. I will go to bed at ten o'clock tomorrow.

I do not go to school every day. I did not go to school yesterday. I will not go to school tomorrow.

Do you watch TV every day? Did you watch TV yesterday? Will you watch TV tomorrow?

When do you leave home for work every day? When did you leave home for work yesterday? When will you leave home for work tomorrow?

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