How the Painter Rembrandt was Discovered. In a museum in Holland one can see a pair of wooden shoes with funny little figures of animals drawn on them Those drawings helped to discover the great painter Rembrandt When he was still a boy, Rembrandt worked to become a painter and travel in One day at school, instead of listening to the teacher, he was drawing pigs and foreign countries: chickens on the wooden shoes of the pupil sitting next to him. Seeing this, the teacher got angry with him and said he would tell his mother In the afternoon Rembrandt was sitting on the top of a hill quite near his house, watching the traffic in the streets. When he saw his teacher coming towards his father's house, he was sure that his teacher had come to speak to his parents. His father called him and the young Rembrandt saw his teacher with one of the wooden shoes in his hand. All eyes were turned on him as he came near. To his great surprise, his mother spoke to him kindly, saying. "Do you really want to be a painter, my child?" The boy could not believe his ears, his heart was full of happiness His teacher told him that he liked his excellent drawings and wanted him to study painting with a famous artist in the town. Later Rembrandt painted wonderful pictures, but he died a poor man 1. Listen to the text and put "+" if the sentence is right and "-" if one is false 1. In a museum in Holland one can see two pairs of shoes 2. The drawings helped to discover the great painter Rembrandt. 3. When he was a boy, Rembrandt wanted to be a teacher 4. One day at school he was drawing pigs and chickens on fus boots 5. The teacher was angry and punished him 6. In the afternoon Rembrandt was sitting on the top of a hill quite near his house. II. Choose the correct answer 1. What can one see in a museum in Holland? a) One can see a pair of wooden shoes. b) One can see a pair of wooden boots e) One can see a wooden shoe. d) One can see a pair of leather shoes 2. What is drawn on the shoes? a) Little figures of animals b) Little figures of children. c) Little figures of birds d) Little figures of fish. 3. What helped to discover the painter a) The animals. b) The shoes c) The drawings d) The birds 4 What was Rembrandt doing at the lesson one day! a) He was listening to the teacher. by He was reading. c) He was drawing pigs. d) He was writing 5. Where was Rembrandt sitting in the afternoon? a) He was sitting in the park. b) He was sitting on the roof of the house. c) He was sitting in the tree. d) He was sitting on the top of a hill 6. What was he doing on the top of a hill? a) He was watching people in the street. b) He was watching the traffic in the street c) He was watching birds in the street. d) He was reading​


Ответ дал: anastsiadonets2005


Listening to the text:

In a museum in Holland one can see two pairs of shoes. (-)

The drawings helped to discover the great painter Rembrandt. (+)

When he was a boy, Rembrandt wanted to be a teacher. (-)

One day at school he was drawing pigs and chickens on fus boots. (-)

The teacher was angry and punished him. (-)

In the afternoon Rembrandt was sitting on the top of a hill quite near his house. (+)

Choosing the correct answer:

What can one see in a museum in Holland?

Answer: a) One can see a pair of wooden shoes.

What is drawn on the shoes?

Answer: a) Little figures of animals.

What helped to discover the painter?

Answer: c) The drawings.

What was Rembrandt doing at the lesson one day?

Answer: c) He was drawing pigs.

Where was Rembrandt sitting in the afternoon?

Answer: d) He was sitting on the top of a hill.

What was he doing on the top of a hill?

Answer: b) He was watching the traffic in the street.

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