TEST 11 USE OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR Mark the correct variant (A-D) to fill in the blanks (1-6) as in the example. 0 Cheddar cheese very tasty. A is being 1 The Birds A is 2 Five minutes A are 3 Who the vase on the table? A has broken 4 Neither they nor she A have bought 6 If I 5 Fish and chips my mother's favourite dish. A is B are you, I'd tell our teacher the truth. B have been A is Bare film starring Rod Taylor. Bare enough time to complete this task. ☐B is VOCABULARY cis c to be a c were B have broken the flowers. B have been boughtc has bought c was broken c is being C was OD were D is a D is being D were broken D have been buying D were D were​


Ответ дал: arturmuzichenko
The Birds is
Five minutes is
Who has broken the vase on the table?
Neither they nor she have bought
Fish and chips is my mother's favourite dish.
If I were
Ответ дал: NekitPlay8


1.The Birds A is

2.Five minutes A is

3.Who has broken the vase on the table?

4.Neither they nor she have bought

5.If I were you, I'd tell our teacher the truth.

6.Fish and chips is my mother's favourite dish.


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