"+". a) When the main hero was a boy he lived not far from school. b) The boy walked through the forest to get to his school. c) The dog of Mr. Epperly had fought with a cat. d) Mr. Epperly asked the boy to buy Old Ranger. e) Mr. Epperly gave the boy one dollar, the boy took Old Ranger and went to the forest. 2 завдання II. Вибрати правильний eapianm eidnoeideu на запитання, 1) Where did the main hero live when he was a boy? f) a long way from school; g) not far from school; h) in a big town. 2) What was wrong with Old Ranger? i) he fought with a mad dog; j) he fought with a wolf; k) he hit an old man. 3) Why were all the people afraid of Old Ranger? 1) because the dog could have become mad; m)because the dog was black; n) because the dog was hungry. 4) What did Mr. Epperly give the boy? o) 100 dollars; a) 1 dollar​


Ответ дал: mazuninvita6

Ответ: 1)e 2)i) 3)a 4)o


homicandrij6: а нечего што треба +либо-
homicandrij6: и он емупредложив 1долар
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