III. Put modal verbs. Вставити пропущені модальні дієслова. 1. Chris speak three languages rather fluently. 2. You water the flowers, Dora has already watered them. 3. ... I use your book, please? 4. Not all birds fly. 5. You really.... smoke. 6. You ... speak loud in the library.​


Ответ дал: puchistik1964

Ответ:1. Chris can speak three languages rather fluently.

2. You needn't/won't have to water the flowers, Dora has already watered them.

3. May I use your book, please?

4. Not all birds can fly.

5. You really shouldn't smoke.

6. You mustn't speak loud in the library.

проверь правильно ли?

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