Second conditional air 4 Circle the correct options. 1 If you would study /studied harder, I would buy / bought you some new trainers. 2 He wouldn't lose / didn't lose so many clothes if he would be / was more careful. 3. If the shop assistant would see / saw you $ stealing, she would call/ called the police. 4 You would have / had more time to talk if you wouldn't/ didn't spend hours on social media. if I would be / was a bit taller, I would do / did a 5 dellin​


Ответ дал: Kamiliaa


1)studied/buy, 2)lose/ was, 3)saw/call, 4)have/didn't spend,5)was/ do


Ответ дал: bananall
2)wouldn’t lose,would be
5)would be,do

bananall: Пояснюю: тут повсюди «був би…тоді б…» це 1 conditional
Kamiliaa: И я поясняю: это second comditional. Structure: if+past simple, would+infinitive. Если не веришь поищи в интернете
bananall: Боже,я вибачаюсь,не на ту кнопку натиснула.Але я більш зрозуміла,що 2 condition,бо тут сказано умовно,що зараз нереальне,не може відбутись.
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