Fill in the gaps with much/many Hlow How How How How How How 1. milk do we need? The UK- China - WRITING VARIANT II oranges are there on the plate? carrots do you need for a cake? bread can we eat? water do they need? apples are there in the fridge? bottles of juice are there on the table? 2. Write down the names of nationalities Canada​


Ответ дал: dmitriyshevel11




  1. How much mild do we need?
  2. How many oranges are there on the plate?
  3. How many carrots do you need for a cake?
  4. How much bread can we eat?
  5. How much water do they need?
  6. How many apples are there in the fridge?
  7. How many bottles of juice are there on the table?
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