Треба на англійскому твір написати про закінчення школи ​


Ответ дал: animeehh833
In my country, all my peers have to go to school and get education. We spend a lot of time learning different subjects and working on our skills. Sometimes, find studying challenging, but I never give up, because I think that learning new things can be interesting, especially if it's your favourite subject.
At my school, we have quite a busy schedule. We have a lot of lessons, such as maths, Russian, English, literature, history, social studies, biology, physics, chemistry, computer science, PE and others. Some of these classes are really difficult for me. For
example, I don't like «перечисление ваших нелюбимых предметов>, because they are
hard and boring. On the other hand, I like
studying <перечисление интересных
предметов>, and my favourite subject is
«ваш любимый предмет>.
While we are at school, we also learn a lot of soft skills. We learn to communicate with other people, make friends, manage time, perform on stage and make presentations. In my opinion, being able to successfully interact with others is just as important as getting good marks, because it can really help you in your future career.

While we are at school, we also learn a lot of soft skills. We learn to communicate with other people, make friends, manage time, perform on stage and make presentations. In my opinion, being able to successfully interact with others is just as important as getting good marks, because it can really help you in your future career.
To sum it up, at school we learn a lot of things that can be useful in the future. School is where we acquire soft skills, realise who we want to be when we grow up, and, most importantly, make friends for life.
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