3. Read the conversation and complete the sentences with the correct word. Fiona: Have we got everything for the barbecue? Philip: Let's see. There are (1)..........
Fiona: What about bread? Is there (2).......
Philip: Yes, we've got (3) Fiona: Great! (4)........ D burgers and sausages. bread? white and brown bread. there any cheese? Philip: No, there (5)....... Fiona: What type of fruit is there? Philip: There (6) ......... Fiona: Brilliant! I think we are almost ready. I can text my dad. some apples and pineapples.​


Ответ дал: tenanatoly40

Fiona: Have we got everything for the barbecue?

Philip: Let's see. There are (1) burgers and sausages.

Fiona: What about bread? Is there (2) any bread?

Philip: Yes, we've got (3) white and brown bread.

Fiona: Great! (4) What about cheese?

Philip: No, there (5) isn't any cheese.

Fiona: What type of fruit is there?

Philip: There (6) are some apples and pineapples.

Fiona: Brilliant! I think we are almost ready. I can text my dad.

Ответ дал: vladganza758




приятно? конечно нет

но мне тоже било не приятно когда ти мне так писал хахаахахахаах

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