C. Complete with the comparative or the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. - Доповніть форму порівняння або найвищого ступеня прикметників у дужках.

1) My brother is ............. (tall) than my father.
2) Basketball is the ........... (popular) sport at my school.
3) We visited the ........... (beatiful) village on the mountain.
4) Your cake is ........... (delicious) than me mum's but don't tell her.
5)This is the ............ (high) building in the city.
6) Who is the ........... (good) student in your class?
7)I'm .......... (lazy) than my brother. I think I'm the ............ (lazy) in the family.​


Ответ дал: asierunanue19

Ответ: taller, most popular, most beautiful, less delicious ?, highest, best, lazier, laziest?


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