10.-Have you ever 11.-How 12.-What colour 14.41 13. My friend Lucy.. ******* you usually go to school? . your eyes? 17.-Rose and 18.-Are there twelve years old last year. to France? 15. My grandmother's hair 16.-I love cycling at weekends with ........ mom went shopping. HADXraye a beautiful skirt. TYYPRAVE grey. dad. alme a)be b)been clare ajdoes bjdo c)is a)is blwas clare alwear b)wore c) were a)are b)was c)were ajisn't bjare clweren't bjmy clits alhis b)their cher beaches near your town? 19.-There are ****** good shops in the Mall. 20.-We sometimes lunch at home. alsome bjany clan a)some bja clany a) has b)have cla a) was 21... you at home last Saturday? 22.-The secretary.. to me politely. 23.-In the future 1. ask you before coming home. XXXX 24. When are you........ to New York? b)weren't clwere b)take eltalked alwould b)will a)fly b)flies cfflying​


Ответ дал: shavkatovbehruz7o1

11. How are you doing today?

12. What color is your shirt?

13. My friend Lucy loves to read books.

14.41 is a number.

15. My grandmother's hair is white.

16. I love cycling at weekends with my dad.

17. Rose and Lily are my favorite flowers.

18. Were you twelve years old last year?

19. There are some good shops in the Mall.

20. We sometimes have lunch at home.

21. Were you at home last Saturday?

22. The secretary talked to me politely.

23. In the future, I will ask you before coming home.

24. When are you flying to New York?

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