WRITING. Task 3. Chose one of the topic to write a short paragraph. Topic1. Fill in all the spaces provided. You can write more than one idea. People need to eat food. There are many kinds of food that you can eat. Your Some food is healthy. Some food is not healthy. Healthy food is good for you long time. What kind of food do you eat during the day? - Write three foods th Write three foods that are NOT healthy: --What kind of food is pop Which country has healthiest diet? -What advice can you give to a Topic 2. When we talk about fashion we usually mean the popular style in people fashion is a method of wearing to express themselves. What do you Talk about the clothes you are wearing today. Do you like them? W 2. What new clothes would you like to buy? 1. 3. Have you ever bought fashion magazines? Why? / Why not? 4. What are some of your favorite brands of clothing? 5. Why do people spend lots of money on clothes? 6. What do cloth Total Task 4. Speaking​


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