9 Complete the sentences with the correct present perfect simple or continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 We (walk) for ages. I think we're lost. 2 Zach will have to walk to school because he (miss) the bus. 3 Sorry I'm late. 41 wouldn't mind going again. 5 She's hot because she tennis all afternoon. (you/wait) long? (go) to Paris twice, but I (play) (not have) that phone for Mark: /6 6 You long. Why do you want a new one?​


Ответ дал: The50


1. have been walking

2. has missed

3. ????

4. ????

5. she has been playing tennis

6. ????


У тебя текст сместился, я ничего не понимаю на 3, 4 и 6

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