Допоможіть будьласка терміново 4 клас
Read and circle the correct answer.

1 Mia: Are there any biscuits in your lunchbox? Alex: a Yes, please.

b No, there aren't. There's an apple.

c No, it isn't. It's an apple.

2 Mia: Why are you sad?

Alex: a Because I really like it.

b Because it's great.

c Because I prefer biscuits.

3 Mia: Were you in the dining hall yesterday?

Alex: a Yes, I was.

b Yes, I eat.

c No, you weren't.

Mia: And when were you there?

Alex: a In April.

b No, I didn't.

c At two o'clock.

5 Mia: What do you think of my new mobile phone?

Alex: a I think it's great.

b I like talking to my friends.

c Wow! Yes, I do.

6 Mia: Would you like an apple?

Alex: a Yes, I do.

b Yes, I would.

c Yes, I like.


Ответ дал: lusistepanyan555
1-c,2-c,3- a,4- c,5- a,6-b
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