II. Put the words in correct order. 1. ride/ to / motorbike / learning / a / I'm /. 2. We're / move /to/to/ London / planning/ . 3. Antarctica/ visit / dream / My /to/is/. 4. up/1/early/ don't / getting / like /. 5. an/ He's / for /iPad/ get / hoping / Christmas / to /. 6. to/ My / for / Nations / work / United / ambition / the /is/.​


Ответ дал: koritsa5978

1/ I'm learning to ride a motorbike.

2/ We're planning to move to London

3/ My dream is to visit Antarctica.

4/ -- don't like getting up early. (вы опечатались в задании, там написано 1. вместо тире вставьте оставшееся слово)
5/ He's hoping to get an IPad for Christmas.

6/ My ambition is to work for the United Nations.

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