Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous and the present simple as in the examples . (read) Present Continuous  He IS READING  Present Simple He READS 1) (help) She...She.....2)(play) He ... He...3)(cry)  I......I....4)(sleep) It....It...5)(swim) It....It.....6)(work) They....They...7)(run) It...It...8)(cut) I...I....9)(ckate) Ann ......Ann...10)(write) The boys....The boys...


Ответ дал: GMA1
1)She helps 
  She is helping
2)He plays 
  He is playing
3)I cry
  I'm crying
4)it sleeps 
   it's sleeping
5)it swims
  it's swimming
6)They work
  They are working
7)It runs
  It's running
8)I cut
  U'm cutting
9)Ann skates
Ann is skating
10) The boys write
The boys are writing

GMA1: 8)I'm cutting
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