1. Choose the correct participle:
a) frightening
1) When Ann entered the office, she saw a lot of strangers and she felt
b) being embarrassed
2) The story is
3) While
a) being translating
4) Once....
a) bitten
a) having been ruined
a) broken
b) biting
5) We don't really see what can be done about the.
b) ruined
a) broked
Залiк з англійської мови за II семестр
6) I have no money. I'm
a) have been drinking
7) A......... doll lay on the bed.
a) divided
b) being frightened
difficult texts we use a dictionary.
b) translated
a) Having caught
twice shy.
a) Having been
a) Work
2. Make a choice.
1. She looked at the table. There was a loaf of brown bread
c) divide
b) being broked
1. A scary
2. A asleep
b) broken
.tea they were talking about the film.
b) drinked
b) dividing
a bad cold, be had to miss a few lessons.
b) Caught
c) Catching
the child of poor people, he often went to bed hungry.
b) Being
c) Be
in the company for many years, he knew everyone and everything.
b) Worked
c) Working
c) embarrassed
c) frightened
c) translating
c) having bitten
c) being ruined
c) broked
c) being broke
c) drinking
C scariest
C sleep
Score 3/
into two halves.
d) having devide
d) Having catch
d) Having being
3. Choose the correct answer
This might just be the (1)________ thing you'll read today. Recent Twitter public service has
drawn attention to falling (2) with your cell phone in bed with you. While it may be
convenient to sleep with your phone under your pillow, or to charge your phone next to you while
you (3) a rest, you'd better not. It may cause a fire.
d) Having worked
Score 2/
When you keep your phone under your pillow, it causes the already hot batteries to heat up further
and (4)
lead to your cell phone catching fire. Your phone has the potential to burn you if you
it anywhere in your bed.
B scarier
B sleepy
D much scarier
D sleeping


Ответ дал: Victoriabellydancer7



1. Choose the correct participle:

a) When Ann entered the office, she saw a lot of strangers and she felt

b) embarrassing

2) The story is

c) frightening

3) While

b) translating

4) Once....

a) bitten

5) We don't really see what can be done about the.

b) ruined

6) I have no money. I'm

a) broke

7) A......... doll lay on the bed.

c) broken

8) 11-класу

d) dividing

9) having been drinking

10) Having caught

11) Having been

12) Work

2. Make a choice.

1. She looked at the table. There was a loaf of brown bread

c) broken

2. A asleep

b) sleeping

3. Choose the correct answer

This might just be the (1) scariest thing you'll read today. Recent Twitter public service has

drawn attention to falling (2) asleep with your cell phone in bed with you. While it may be

convenient to sleep with your phone under your pillow, or to charge your phone next to you while

you (3) rest, you'd better not. It may cause a fire.

4) lead

5) anywhere

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