помогите пожалуйста очень надо



Ответ дал: Victoriabellydancer7




1. The students are going to go on an excursion.

2. What are your plans? What are you doing tomorrow?

3. They say it's going to rain next week.

4. I can't meet you tomorrow because I'll be taking an exam.


1. My team will definitely win tonight. I'm sure.

2. I may go next week, but I don't know.

3. Perhaps the problem will disappear.

4. They probably won't go out tonight because they have an exam tomorrow, but it's not impossible.

5. She definitely won't run tomorrow because she's got a broken leg.

6. It's possible that I will see him tomorrow.


1. If you mix blue and yellow, you get green.

2. If you study hard for an exam, you increase your chances of performing well and achieving a higher score.

3. If you never brush your teeth, you are more likely to develop dental problems such as cavities, gum disease, and bad breath.

4. If you eat too much, you may experience discomfort, weight gain, and potential health issues such as obesity or digestive problems.


1. If the sun shines, we'll be able to go out.

2. We'll go out if Mum finishes work early.

3. If you do the exercise carefully, you will get all the answers right.

4. It'll be great if she comes tonight.

5. She'll leave the hospital today if she is okay.

6. I won't bring the dog if you don't want me to.

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