Circle the correct form of the verb: 1. London (is visited / visited) by many tourists.

2. Who (protects / is protected) animals?

3. Albert Einstein ( awarded / was awarded) the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.
4. Catholic Church (is considered / considered) Galileo's ideas as heresy.

II. Complete the sentences with the appropriate modal

verbs (must, can, mustn't, should):

1. To protect our environment we___which produce oxygen.
2. The global warming___destroy forests, lead to dramatic changes in climate.

3. We____use less electricity and water. 4.We___protect animals and plants.

III. Put the verbs in brackets into correct forms to make the First Conditional :

1. If we ___(to travel) to London, we___(to visit) the British Museum. .
2. If she parents___ (to wait) a minute, I___(to ask) my parents.

3. If I__(to study) hard,I_ _(to pass) the exams.

4.If the sun____(to shine),we___(not to walk) into town.


Ответ дал: Пеппер

1. London is visited  by many tourists.

2. Who  is protected animals?

3. Albert Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.

4. Catholic Church is considered  Galileo's ideas as heresy.

1. To protect our environment we must which produce oxygen.

2. The global warming  can estroy forests, lead to dramatic changes in climate.

3. We must  use less electricity and water.

4.We must  protect animals and plants.

1. If we  travel to London, we will visit  the British Museum. .

2. If she parents wait a minute, I`ll ask my parents.

3. If I study hard, I`ll pass the exams.

4.If the sun shines,  we won`t walk into town.

Pepperr: Во втором , разве нет?
Ответ дал: Pepperr

Circle the correct form of the verb:

1. London is visited by many tourists.

2. Who protects animals?

3. Albert Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.

4. The Catholic Church considered Galileo's ideas as heresy.

II. Complete the sentences with the appropriate modal verbs (must, can, mustn't, should):

1. To protect our environment, we must plant more trees, which produce oxygen.

2. Global warming can destroy forests and lead to dramatic changes in climate.

3. We should use less electricity and water.

4. We must protect animals and plants.

III. Put the verbs in brackets into correct forms to make the First Conditional:

1. If we travel to London, we will visit the British Museum.

2. If her parents wait a minute, I will ask my parents.

3. If I study hard, I will pass the exams.

4. If the sun shines, we won't walk into town.

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