Circle the word in each group that is different and explain why.
1 vision / initiative / motivation /(illness
It isn't about developing a new produg
2 used / committed / spill / essential
3 energy / afford / pay / funding
4 run out / lack / plenty / not enough
5 litter / disease / poverty / vaccine
6 admirable / messy / passionate / supportive


Ответ дал: Victoriabellydancer7



1. The word "illness" is different from the others in this group. The words "vision," "initiative," and "motivation" all relate to positive qualities or actions, while "illness" refers to a negative state of health. The other words are associated with personal characteristics or drive, whereas "illness" is not directly related to personal attributes or motivation.

2. The word "spill" is different from the others in this group. The words "used," "committed," and "essential" all relate to actions or qualities, whereas "spill" refers to an accidental release or loss of a substance. The other words are more related to intentional actions or important qualities, while "spill" stands out as a different concept.

3. The word "energy" is different from the others in this group. The words "afford," "pay," and "funding" all relate to financial aspects or resources, whereas "energy" refers to physical or mental vigor. The other words are associated with financial transactions or resources, while "energy" pertains to a different aspect of personal or environmental resources.

4. The word "plenty" is different from the others in this group. The words "run out," "lack," and "not enough" all describe a shortage or insufficiency, whereas "plenty" refers to an abundance or plentiful supply. The other words convey a sense of scarcity or inadequacy, while "plenty" stands out as the opposite, indicating a sufficient or abundant quantity.

5. The word "vaccine" is different from the others in this group. The words "litter," "disease," and "poverty" all refer to negative or undesirable conditions, whereas "vaccine" is a positive intervention to prevent or treat diseases. The other words describe negative situations or challenges, while "vaccine" represents a proactive and positive approach to healthcare.

6. The word "messy" is different from the others in this group. The words "admirable," "passionate," and "supportive" all convey positive qualities or characteristics, whereas "messy" implies disorder or untidiness. The other words describe positive traits or behaviors, while "messy" stands out as a different concept, indicating a lack of order or neatness.

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