ДУЖЕ ШВИДКО ДАЮ 50 БАЛІВ ПЕРШІ 5 НЕ ТРЕБА Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous Tense. 1) Paula ... (to cook) dinner now. She ... (to cook) since eleven o'clock, but she ... (not to prepare) meat yet. 2) Sally and James... (to gather) raspberries in the garden now. They ... (to gather) raspberries for two hours, but they ... (not to gather) enough for jam by now. 3) We ... (to prepare) for exams at the moment. We ... (to prepare) since nine o'clock but we ... (not to revise) all the rules by now. 4) What ... Mary ... (to do) now? - She... (to take) a shower. She ... (to wash) in the bathroom for half an hour now. 5) Where... (to be) Dick? - He... (to repair) Дієслово ... his motor-bike in the garage at the moment. He (to repair) it for two days and he ... (not to finish) yet. 6) ... Vicky (to be) busy? No, she ... (to watch) some programme on TV at the moment. She ... (to watch) TV since twelve o'clock. 7) ... you . (to read) anything now? You (to read) for more than an hour now. What ... you... (to read)? - I... (to read) a report of my manager at the moment. 8)... Elsa ... (to make) sandwiches yet? No, she .She ... (to make) them for fifteen minutes now. She ... (to slice) cheese for the sandwiches at the moment. 9)... it ... (to snow) outdoors now? Yes, it .... It ... (to snow) since yesterday evening. 10) This sportsman. (to be) exhausted. He ... (to run) for more than an hour now. Look! He . (to run) more slowly!​


Ответ дал: squidlux


6) Is Vicky being busy? No, she is watching some programme on TV at the moment. She has been watching TV since twelve o'clock.

7) Are you reading anything now? You have been reading for more than an hour now. What are you reading? - I am reading a report of my manager at the moment.

8) Has Elsa made sandwiches yet? No, she hasn't. She has been making them for fifteen minutes now. She is slicing cheese for the sandwiches at the moment.

9) Is it snowing outdoors now? Yes, it is. It has been snowing since yesterday evening.

10) This sportsman is exhausted. He has been running for more than an hour now. Look! He is running more slowly!

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