помогите пожалуйста!!! Complete the sentences with the adverb form of the adjective in brackets.

1 The teacher told the class to listen..... (careful) to the instructions.

2 When I met my cousins from Australia for the first time, they made friends very................(easy).

3 The bus goes in five minutes. We have to run ...........(quick) to catch it.

4 He plays the guitar very better than he plays the violin ...... (good), much

5 Everyone was talking very before the concert started ....... (loud)

6 It was a great film and everything ended ..........(happy).

7 My young cousins always play. when they visit our house.
....... (noise)

8 We're going to do our homework as ...... (fast) as we can so we can watch TV later.


Ответ дал: xkonderx

1. Carefully
2. Easily
3. Quickly
4. Goodly

5. Loudly

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